Right Every Wrong Conclave
RIGHT every WRONG CITIZEN ACTIVISM CONCLAVE :- We have had 4 conclaves so far with various eminent and concerned citizens participating from India and across the globe. Each conclave has had over 50-60 expert speakers from various sectors and a dynamic rotating delegation of over 1500 citizens. The various forums have also been televised and shared with CITIZENS AT LARGE through our TV partners NDTV, NEWS X and UTVi and the discussions have been disseminated through features in various newspapers, magazines and news portals. Over the past 4 years, we have managed to achieve success by going from KNOWLEDGE to ACTION as just speaking, knowing and sharing thoughts is not enough, we must apply and ACT to "be and see the change".
Today we can be proud to have achieved what we set out to do, as was set in our founding mission and vision that was articulated by a student Karan Ahuja. Some of the discussions and knowledge churned has been used in various journals and curriculum by institutes nationally and globally, which includes the UNIVERSITY of PEACE - Costa Rica and JFK school of Government - Harvard University. The various conclaves have not only sparked thought provoking discussions but also led to movements and campaigns for citizen action.
The first conclave and idea of RIGHT every WRONG, besides churning knowledge on various socio-political issues, also inspired the LEAD INDIA movement. Not only was the iCONGO symbolism used in the various Lead India advertisements but also the idea of having Children as change leaders to inspire grownups to be the change was used in the Lead India TV advertisement (In 2008 the CEO of Time Foundation acknowledged that RIGHT every WRONG was the inspiration for Teach India and Lead India"). Our 2nd conclave was on Climate Change and this inspired various other forums and campaigns on climate change. After this we were approached by various people and organisations to assist them with their work on climate change and amongst various other things that we supported, we also created the knowledge for UN and Art of Living summit and the 1st PHFI lecture with the legendary Prof. Anthony McMichael. These initiatives on climate change were designed to reach out to a large gathering of citizens and NGOs and build their capacity to address global warming. The 3rd Conclave on Electoral Reforms encouraged and inspired the "NO Criminals campaign". The 4th Conclave on Corruption has led to various exposes and whistle blowing on corrupt practices by people in businesses, education and government. Today our "partners in change" include various UN bodies, leading institutes from India and overseas and autonomous organisations under various ministries. The RIGHT every WRONG conclave, through iCONGO, also inspired and encouraged the Civil Society Summit where grassroots leaders get together to discuss socio-political issues. To know more log on to www.righteverywrong.com